TAT®, Tapas Acupressure Technique®, was created by Tapas Fleming, an acupuncturist in California. It is a very simple, subtle, but very effective technique that can help to release imbalances. It has been called a “portal of grace”. TAT consists of being in a pose, lightly touching acupuncture points on your face and the back of your head. You hold the pose and have your intention on given statements. It is very simple, yet very powerful.
I have found TAT to be very effective in my practice and I recommend it highly. I have personally found that TAT will often resolve issues faster and more thoroughly than other energy based modalties. TAT can also be used effectively by oneself as well as with a Certified TAT Professional. I am very proud to be a Certified TAT® Professional, and especially honored to have personally trained with Tapas Fleming. TAT sessions usually last 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I do TAT sessions over the telephone or via Skype. For additional information on TAT, or to download the free TAT booklet, please go to:
*Please note that at this time I am only doing phone and video chat (Skype) sessions.
For additional information on TAT, or to download the free TAT booklet, please go to: